Tips Pemasangan: Central Lock System

Almost every new car is equipped with Central Lock system. Simply lock the door from a door, the door that locks the other will follow, as well as time to unlock the door. Development of the Central Lock System is combined with a remote control as a controller of a remote door locking, or often referred to with the Keyless Entry. Also added module Alarm System that integrates with the already generally Controlnya Remote. That all these functions is to facilitate and enhance our comfort in driving.

Component that is generally used on the Remote Control System + Alarm + Central Door Lock System.

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The door of your car not equipped Central Lock System? Can attach itself, kok.
In the market, generally a set of Central Lock System for sale 120ribu - 150ribu depending on brand and model.
Which generally includes, among others, as follows:

1 cable set for 4 door
4 bar (rod) drawer / booster
4 rod holder Lock Actuator
1 unit Central Lock Module
1 set screw, bolt, etc..

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Lock Actuator

Lock Actuator is a mechanical drawer / booster. This component that will attract / encourage lever door lock. Lock Actuator is controlled by Central Lock Module.

Lock Actuator, if damaged, can be purchased with a price around 30ribu - 35ribu rupiah.
Lock Actuator have 2 types:
Main Lock Actuator

Generally, the cable has 5: Green, Blue, Brown, White & Black.
As aktuator addition, this component also functions as the regulator, so when we lock the door with a lock knob with your hands, then aktuator this will give information to the Central Lock Module for Lock Actuator also set the other to move the same.
Additional Lock Actuator:

Generally have only 2 cables: Green and Blue.
Used for doors or close the gas tank.


Lock Actuator generally sold in the market strength and distance of movement that is almost the same, namely the strength of push / pull of 32N (+ / - 4n) and the movement distance of 18mm (+ / - 1mm)

How the Lock Actuator is to connect the stem (rod) with rod (rod) / lever lock on each door. Each model car has a design lever / rod (rod) that is different, so please customized installation techniques with the design of the existing construction.
So also with Lock Actuator placement on the door frame.

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Central Lock Module

Central Lock Module is the main unit set / control the entire Lock Actuator. Contains a series of electronic equipment, which set the Lock Actuator only work (given the power voltage), only about 1-2detik only to open or close. This is useful to prevent damage to / terbakarnya motor that is in the Lock Actuator.

Central Lock Module if damaged, can be purchased for around a 30ribu-50ribu rupiah
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